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RILAS 早稲田大学総合人文科学研究センター研究誌

WASEDA RILAS JOURNAL NO. 3 (2015. 10)オディゴン修道院の聖人暦オディゴン修道院の聖人暦櫻井夕里子The Synaxarion of the Hodegon MonasteryYuriko SAKURAIAbstractThis paper analyzes the synaxarion (saint’s calendar) manuscripts published by the Hodegon Monastery inConstantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire. The manuscripts, housed in library collections inEurope and the United States, will be compared with Cod.Paris.gr.286, which was used at the Patriarchateof Constantinople. Although an unexplored field, the study of the synaxarion compiled in the Byzantine lectionaryprovides us with new perspectives. If we are able to extract a pattern of the synaxarion from a largeset of data, it may be possible to establish recension.An important aspect of the synaxarion manuscripts pertains to their descriptions of the dedication of thechurches (encaenia/egkainia). The Hodegon Monastery’s twelve manuscripts make little mention of thefeasts held in the capital. Cod.Paris.gr.286 celebrated the rites of church dedication eleven times: 9/13(Egkainia tes agias Christou tou Theou hemon Anastaseos) is introduced in Lavra A 46, Vatopedi 16, andLavra A 62 and 8/31 (Katathesia tes Zones tes Theotokou en tois Chalkoprateiois kai Egkainia) in alltwelve manuscripts, but no references are found concerning the remaining nine events. Descriptions of thefeasts held in the capital are found in 5/11 (Genethlion tes Poleos), 6/5 (Lite tou Kampou) which is mentionedin Nat. Bbl. 1905, and 7/2 (Katathesia tes Esthetos tes Theotokou) out of all twelve manuscripts.The study of the twelve manuscripts does not so much shed light on the specific synaxarion of the HodegonMonastery as suggest they were likely produced by order from other churches or monasteries?perhapslocated outside the capital. The Hodegon Monastery is known to have received numerous orders for manuscriptpublications, including from the imperial court, and it is possible these synaxarion manuscripts weremodified in accordance with specific requests. Further data collection is needed to determine the verifiabilityof this fact.はじめにレクショナリー(1) (典礼用福音書抄本)の巻末に収録される聖人暦(2) (Synaxarion)は、新しい視点を我々にもたらしてくれる情報の宝庫である。しかし、聖人暦研究はビザンティン学の諸領域において未開拓の分野である。本稿では、欧米図書館で蒐集したビザンティン帝国首都コンスタンティノポリスのオディゴン修道院工房で制作された写本の聖人暦の分析を行う。1聖人暦とはレクショナリーとは、教会典礼において朗読される福音書章句を教会暦に従って、編纂したものである。ヨハネ、マタイ、ルカ、マルコの順に収録され、第1部「移動日課」と第2部「固定日課」の2部構成をとる。「移動日課」とは復活祭に始まり聖土曜日にいたる1年間の教会祭日のカレンダーであり、「固定日課」とはビザンティン暦の新年9/1から始まり8/31に終わるカレンダーに従った1年間113