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RILAS 早稲田大学総合人文科学研究センター研究誌

WASEDA RILAS JOURNAL NO. 3千(2015.葉県栄10)町龍角寺50号墳のデジタル三次元測量・GPR調査千葉県栄町龍角寺50号墳のデジタル三次元測量・GPR調査城倉正祥・青笹基史Digital 3D Measurement Survey and GPR Research at Ryukakuji Tumulus No.50Masayoshi JOKURA・Motofumi AOSASAAbstractRyukakuji Tumulus No. 50 (Sakae-machi, Imba-gun, Chiba-Pref.) is a keyhole-shaped tumulus within the RyukakujiTumuli. After Ken Amakasu investigated the Ryukakuji Tumuli in 1964, many research studies have takenplace at this site. It is vital to research the Sengenyama tumulus, which is the mound of the chief tumulus. In addition,it is essential to perform a detailed comparison of Ryukakuji Tumuli No. 50 and No. 57, whose shapesaresimilar to the Sengenyama tumulus, as characterized by Amakasu.In our research, the shape of Ryukakuji Tumulus No. 50 was analyzed based on accurate terrain information,with the goal performing a detailed comparison to the Sengenyama tumulus.To achieve this, we used a digital 3Dsurvey and a GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) survey, from which we acquired objective and accurate terraininformation. Based on this information, we used GIS (Geographic Information System) to create a highly accurate2D and 3D diagram of a restoration of Ryukakuji Tumulus No. 50. GPR is a geophysical survey method intendedfor understanding the position and shape of remains in a non-destructive way. In this survey, we presumed theposition and structure of the burial facility.Based on these results, we reconfirmed the distinguished research conducted by Amakasu who revealed that theshape of Ryukakuji Tumulus No. 50 was quite similar to that of the Sengenyama tumulus. Moreover, we presumedthat Ryukakuji Tumulus No. 50 had been planned using basic unit“Bu”. Henceforth, we need to reconfirmprevious research results. Furthermore, we will research the structure of the Ryukakuji Tumuli through re-measurementsand GPR surveys of Ryukakuji Tumuli No. 21, 57, 70 and the Sengenyama tumulus.はじめに(城倉)本稿は、2014年度の髙梨学術奨励基金の採択を受けて2014年12月13日~27日に実施した千葉県印旛郡栄町龍角寺50号墳(1)のデジタル三次元測量・GPR(Ground Penetrating Rader:地中レーダー探査)調査の成果報告である。調査に際しては、GIS(Geographic Information System)を用いたデジタル三次元測量と、地中レーダー探査という最新の非破壊的手法を採用した。結果として、従来の測量図の分析では難しかった墳丘の立体構造の把握に成功し、終末期の大型前方後円墳である浅間山古墳との系譜関係を明らかにした。GISとGPRを組み合わせた考古学の非破壊的手法は、今後、国内外を問わず普遍化していく重要な調査方法と考える。なお、本稿の図版はGISを城倉正祥・渡辺玲、GPRを青笹基史が中心となって作成し、全体の修正・統一を城倉が行った。また、文章は第6節と英文アブストラクトを青笹が執筆し、それ以外は城倉が執筆した。213