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RILAS 早稲田大学総合人文科学研究センター研究誌

WASEDA RILASエックハルトJOURNALにおNO.ける3形(2015.相(forma) 10)の理解-義(iustitia)と義なる者(iustus)との関係をめぐって-エックハルトにおける形相(forma)の理解──義(iustitia)と義なる者(iustus)との関係をめぐって──若松功一郎Eckhart’s Thoughts on Forma:A Study on the Relation between Justice and Just ManKoichiro WAKAMATSUAbstractMeister Eckhart (ca.1260-1328) was a monk of the Dominican Order, who focused on the relation between justice(iustitia) and a just man (iustus). Justice is the spiritual perfection (perfectio spiritualis) that exists in God; a just manis a person who has the quality of justice. Eckhart preached about the relation between justice and the just man in hisGerman Sermon:“The just man does not work for anyone, even God, because he is free.’’This article researches thebasis of radical arguments of this sort.Eckhart understood justice to be a virtue, as scholastic theologians commonly do. However, following Avicenna’stheory, he insisted that the birth (generatio) of a fire and the birth of a just man are similar processes: when fire encounterswood, it begins to burn. In this case, until the wood accepts the substantial form (forma substantialis) of the fire, itsmokes and resists the form. However, once the wood accepts the form, it becomes fire and burns just like fire. Similarly,until a person accepts the form of justice, he performs his just operations unwillingly, but once he accepts theform of justice, he performs justice willingly. In this way, justice is given a role as the substantial form that precedes thejust man and enables him to exist.It is notable that this substantial form is identical to the action of God by which he gives being to everything (actusessendi). Substantial form is essential to beings and nothing can exist without its presence. When it is given this meaning,substantial form is equivalent to being. Following this argument, Eckhart stated that the just man is free, even fromGod. For the just man, his substantial form is justice itself. That is why justice is the being of the just man and not evenGod can take it from him.序マイスター・エックハルト(Meister Eckhart,ca.1260-1328)は中世ドイツに生きたドミニコ会の神学者であり、主に14世紀に活躍した思想家である。エックハルトはドイツ語説教28の内で、神の内の霊的完全性(perfectio spiritualis)である義(iustitia/gerehticheit)と、この義を保有した人間である義なる者(iustus/der gerechte mensche)という二者の関係について、次のように語っている。ここでいつか言ったことであるが、――それほど前のことではないが――義を愛する人は、義がその人を引き受け、その人は義によってつかまれて、義となる。わたしはかつてわたしの本の中でこう書いたことがあった。義なる者は神にも被造物にも仕えることがない、というのも彼は自由だからである。彼が義の近くにいればいるほど、それだけ彼自身自由であり、それだけ彼は自由そのものとなる。(1)この引用から読み取られることは以下の二点であ21