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RILAS 早稲田大学総合人文科学研究センター研究誌

WASEDA RILAS JOURNAL NO. 3 (2015. 10)? ?与?流:西域与中国佛教的互?? ?与?流:西域与中国佛教的互?李四?Translation and Convergence:Buddhist Interaction between Central China and Xi Yu(the Western Regions)Silong LIAbstractXi Yu(the western regions) were transfer stations for the spread of Buddhism from India to East Asia,and were the main sources of Chinese Buddhism. This article discusses the principal contributions of Buddhistmonks from Xi Yu(the western regions), including the translation of Buddhist scriptures, introductionof Buddhist precepts, teaching of Buddhist meditation, and creation of Chinese Buddhist schools or sects.At the same time, various Buddhist arts and the organizational system of Buddhist temples were also introducedin central China. Meanwhile, Chinese Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism were also graduallytransmitted from central China to Xi Yu(the western regions); consequently, Buddhism in those areasreflects the convergence of multiple cultural traditions. Mongolian and Tibetan Buddhism spread widely inthe area of Xinjiang, especially during the Yuan Dynasty, and significantly influenced the historical religiouspatterns of Northwest China.印度佛教主要是? ?路,从西域?入中国的中原地区,最后形成特色?明的? ?佛教。西域,在中国?史上,是“?来弘佛法,西行取真?”的佛教中?站:既是中国佛教的源?活水,很多高僧来自西域;同? ,一批中国高僧冒着生命危?西行求法,有些??是到西域取? ,并没有抵?印度本土, ?也?致中国内地佛教回流到西域。正是在? ?的?来、西行之中,西域成了南?印度文明与? ?儒家文明,乃至欧洲古希?文明、中?波斯文明与伊斯?文明的交会之地,西域佛教呈?出多元?流的特色。一、作?中国佛教源?的西域在中国古代的典籍里,“西域”所指的范?比?? ?。? ?最初出?在《? ?・西域?》,而在此前的《史?・大宛列?》已? ? ?西域?国(1)。? ?魏晋南北朝正史里所?的“西域”,是指? ? (甘?敦煌西南? 140里)、玉? ? (甘?敦煌西? 160里)以西的广大地区,包括今天中?的全部、西?和南?的大部,以及北非和?欧的一部,甚至可以包括今天的? ? , ?是广?的“西域”。狭?的“西域”?指葱? (P?mir, ?米?高原)以?的地区,也就是天山南北、塔里木盆地,大体相当于今天的中国新疆,位于古代? ?之路的要冲。本文所指的西域,主要是指广?的西域(2) ;狭?的西域,有?以今天的中国新疆代称。根据?有的史料,佛教最早?入中国新疆的和田地区, ?在公元前70年左右。当? ,迦湿弥?高僧? ?折那,来到于? (今新疆和田) ?播佛教,于?国王? ?位外来的僧人建造了一座寺院(3)。?是目前学?界比?公?的佛教最早?入新疆的?法,但有学者? ? ,佛教最?在公元前122年已? ?入? ? ,今天的中国新疆? ? (4)。佛教何? ?入中国的中原地区? ?史上?法?然很多(5) ,但被普遍采用的主要有? ? ?法:一?299