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RILAS 早稲田大学総合人文科学研究センター研究誌

WASEDA RILAS JOURNAL NO. 3 (2015. 10)米?壁画与?西方? ? ?系考?米?壁画与?西方? ? ?系考?李青Buddhist Art in Mainland China and Xi Yu(the Western Regions)Qing LIAbstractThe Milan Buddhist Temple is located over 70 kilometers east of Xinjiang Ruoqiang county in what wasthe heart of the Silk Road region in the Han and Jin Dynasties. The temple murals were created around thethird century BCE, and are not only some of the earliest Buddhist murals in China, they are also some ofthe earliest surviving examples of Gandhara painting. The murals were painted by the artist known as theKushan painter, whose style was influenced by Hellenistic Gandhara art and even displays some characteristicsof Roman painting. Two different technical styles are discernable in the execution of the murals, namely,the“fine pen dye”method and the“rough sketches”method. These two styles originated within the nonmainstreamtradition of Roman painting and represent the main features of Gandhara painting. The study ofthe Milan murals is of significant academic value for analyzing the evolution of Chinese Buddhist art andearly Buddhist painting in the Qiuci, Dunhuang, and Hexi regions.引言米? (Mirah) ?址位于今中国新疆塔克拉?干沙漠?南?若羌?城以? 70余公里,米? ? ? ?7公里。此地? ?晋? ?之路楼?道要冲。?址以古城堡?中心,周?分布着14 ?佛寺及?堵波( ? 1 )。古城址? ? 88°58′26″、北? 39°13′35″。?多学者? ?米?古城? ?代伊循城,属?善王国的重? ,5世?中叶, ?善国覆没,其地荒? ,唐代又?吐蕃所据。米?佛寺年代?早,其中? ?重要的?址有M.Ⅱ、M.Ⅲ( ? 2)、M.Ⅴ( ? 3)佛寺等。在?些佛寺中曾? ?有大量精美的壁画及雕塑?存。1906?1907年,斯坦因(stein,M.A.1862?1943年)在他第二次中国考古期? ? ?了米? ?址并?行了?次?掘, ?取了著名的有翼人物等壁画(1)。1909年,日本大谷探? ?橘瑞超(1890?1968年)在西域考察? ,曾在米? ?去了部分壁画残片(2)。1988年,新疆?吾?自治区文化?楼?文物普? ??米? ?址?行了? ? ,并? ?了?幅有翼人物壁画(3)。斯坦因在米?的?掘?料刊?于《西域考古??》,其?物主要笈藏于印度新德里国家博物? ;橘瑞超?去的壁画残片今藏?国首?国家中央博物? ;新疆楼?文物普? ?新? ?的?幅有翼人物壁画,于原址回填。从?有?料来看,米?壁画主要包括有翼人物壁画( ?于有翼人物壁画的数量, ?者? ? ? M.Ⅲ号寺院出土7幅;M.V号寺院出土2幅,其中1幅?存右翼局部; M.Ⅲ寺院附近? ? 2幅。共? 11幅。? 4、5)、斗? ?壁画、?大拏太子本生故事壁画( ?6 )、花?人物壁画( ? 7 )、?梦?壁画( ? 8 )、?法?壁画( ? 9)、少女像壁画( ? 10)、青年男子与戴帽少女壁画,以及有人物局部?像的壁画残片等。自米?壁画? ?以来, ?多中外学者?其?行了不同角度的探? (其中主要?点将在下文中有所引征,此不? ),本文即在前人研究的基?上, ?从米?壁画的年代及作者推? ;米?壁画的形式特征及?327