ブックタイトルRILAS 早稲田大学総合人文科学研究センター研究誌


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RILAS 早稲田大学総合人文科学研究センター研究誌

WASEDA RILAS JOURNAL NO. 3 (2015. 10)『和歌一字抄』の注記をめぐって―注記を付す意図―WASEDA RILAS JOURNALRegarding the Note in the“Wakaichizish?”Kei UMEDAAbstractThis paper discusses what the“-Wakaichizish?”(和歌一字抄)is and how it was established,as well asits reception.We have adopted three approaches in order to clariffy these points.The first thing is to check the booksof various situations. This is made possible by a compilation of varying variations of a classic: variations onthe“-Wakaichizisho-.”The second is to examine the note in the various books, which is the emphasis of this paper. In each,there is a note underneath the poem’s title and author’s name that describes both the author, and source.The third is to consider the nature of the notes. I believe that the authors themselves wrote these notes,in order to manipulate the impression of the songs..(24)511