China-Japan Classical Studies Workshop Report
The China-Japan Classical Studies Workshop took place over five days, from November 1 to 5, 2019, at Peking University. At the workshop, scholars of Japanese studies and Japanese classical studies from Japan and scholars of Chinese classical studies from China interacted with one another with the goal of uncovering classical texts extant in China and Japan, new research materials and prospects in the field of classical studies, and methods. The first time the workshop was organized, in November 2018, it was held at Waseda University; this year, the venue switched to Peking University.
Exchanges between Japanese and Chinese researchers in the field of classical studies have, of course, long been active. Within this context, exchanges among researchers from China and Japan involved in Chinese studies and among those involved in Japanese studies have been commonplace. However, there have not necessarily been many attempts at exchanges where Chinese classics scholars from China and Japanese classics scholars from Japan have had the opportunity to intermingle. Nevertheless, there is surely profound significance for scholars in both China and Japan in being able to learn from one another about prior research and the latest trends and methods relating to classical texts and classical studies. In keeping with this prospect, this workshop, which was realized after nearly a year of preparations conducted by both Waseda University and Peking University, was organized with the goal of permitting scholars to provide one another with research materials and academic questions in the field of Sino-Japanese classical studies and to engage in discussions.

Workshop Day1
From Waseda University, a total of 14 participated in the workshop: seven faculty members, one visiting scholar, five graduate students, and one research fellow. Throughout the two days allotted for presentations and discussions, the scholars working in the two countries provided one another with their understandings of the issues to be studied in the field and with their research findings. Through this academic exchange, the scholars from Japan and China shared current points at issue and scholarly projects to be undertaken, affirming the need for more robust, closer cooperation in the future. The workshop thus, above all else, was highly fruitful. This year, a Young Scholars’ Forum was organized for the first time to provide space for presentations and interactions among the young researchers from Japan and China who will be responsible for the next generation of scholarship.

Graduate Students & Junior Researchers’ Round Table
Preparations are underway to hold next year’s workshop once again at Waseda University. Based on the experience of this year’s workshop, it is anticipated that the cumulative effect of these annual workshops will be to eventually lead to considerable developments in the field.
Event Overview:
2019 Second China-Japan Classical Studies Workshop
Event Schedule: November 1 (Fri.) to 5 (Tue.), 2019
Sponsored by: Division of Humanities, Peking University
Co-sponsored by:
Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University Waseda University Research Institute of Japanese Classical Books
Global Japanese Studies Model Unit, Top Global University Project,
Waseda University Research Institute for Letters, Arts and Sciences and the Ryusaku Tsunoda Center of Japanese Culture
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 16K02376
AY Special Grant for Special Research C-052
Venue: Conference Room 3109, Humanities Building 3, Peking University
Schedule: For details, see here.